Price List

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Bowling Prices Adults:

One Game: €9.50
Two Games: €16.00
60 Minutes: (Max 6 people per lane) €49.00
90 Minutes: (Max 6 people per lane) €71.00
120 Minutes: (Max 6 people per lane) €87.00
Bowl ‘n’ Beer. Get 2 games of bowling plus a drink of your choice from the bar. €21.00
Bowl’n’Cocktail(2 Games per person plus a cocktail each) €25.00

Bowling Prices Under 14’s/Students

One Game: €8.50
Two Games: €15.00

Interactive Darts  (Max 6 People)

One Hour €25.00
Half Hour €15.00

Laser Quest Prices (must be pre-booked 24hrs in advance. Minimum 6 People)

Adults €11.00
Under 14,s/Students €10.00

Space Kidz Prices

Per Child Per hour €10.00
(Parents/Guradians must supervise their children at all times)

Birthday Parties: (Minimum 8 Kids – Max 20 Kids)

Fri, Sat, Sun & B/H
Soft Play €18.00
Soft Play & Bowling €19.00
Soft Play & Laser Quest €20.00
Bowling & Laser Quest €20.00
Soft Play, Bowling & Laser Quest €24.00
Our Parties include: – Choice of Activities (Soft Play, Bowling & Laser Quest) plus choice of Chicken Nuggets or Sausages plus Chips and a Juice drink or a 6 inch Subway sandwich plus a cookie and a juice drink, party goodie bags, Tea/Coffee for parents of birthday child, invitations and a return voucher for the party child. You also have your own Party Host assigned to your party. All you need to bring are the kids and the cake. A €100 non-refundable deposit must be paid on booking. You can book by phone using debit or credit card.

Teenage Parties (Minimum 8 people Max 20 )

Friday, Saturday and Sunday only (60mins Bowling, 30mins Laser Quest, Subway, Cookie, Crisps, and a Drink). Bring your own cake. We will provide tables, plates, and serviettes etc. €22.00


Per Game €2.00

Tel: 091-562820 Email: or contact us here

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